Make Your Dog Listen to You
It’s aggravating — and sometimes destructive — whenever your dog refuses to obey your directions. Admittedly, this form of telling them commands can keep them out of danger, whether by stopping him from rushing into a crowded intersection or devouring stuff he ought not to be eating.
Thus, commanding and making them listen to you can also keep you calm as they assist you in managing troublesome habits.
The question now is, where do you begin if they refuse to comply in some instances most of the time? While dog obedience training is available for bigger dogs, there are things you can do for your small ones. Read through and you will find out.

Get rid of extra energy first.
If you’ve ever attempted to converse with an energetic child, you understand how overwhelming their eager energy can be. It’s the same with dogs. Whenever your dog is antsy to go, his sole concern is letting out all of his energy, and he’ll have a difficult time adjusting to you. So, ensure to practice activity first, restraint second, and affection third. A regular stroll that completely exhausts your dog could go a fair distance.
Keep an eye on your dog’s emotions.
Your dog could well be overwhelmed by a variety of emotions in addition to pent-up energy. If you’re attempting to teach them to come when a neighbor’s dog comes, she could ignore you since she’s so concentrated on establishing her area. On the flip side, they might be so terrified of lightning and thunder that they will not have enough brain space to receive your instruction to return to her box. Before you can teach your dog to listen attentively to you, you must first begin to address these issues.
Stop relying so much on verbal commands and go back to the basics.
Does your dog really know what you want? This can take a lot of practice for some animals to start improving. The more you do something, the better you get. You may need to work on training once more to make sure your dog truly understands what you’re teaching them. Animals don’t talk to each other; they utilize energy and nonverbal cues to talk. This is how they interact. You can see why they often had difficulty hearing what we say, especially once they hear us talking the whole day. When you deliver a command, even if they understand it, they may link it better with a nonverbal indication you make at the very same moment. If the dog is paying attention and listening, think of what might have transformed your body language. No, I’m not holding a child. Sit! As I write this, I’m not looking at you. If you make small changes like this, you may not be able to fully convey your ideas the way you ordinarily would.
Maintain a regular schedule.
The dog will not grasp whatever you want from him if he receives confusing signals regarding his actions. This is also true if various rules for the dog are followed by different people in the family. Determine the rules, limits, and constraints you wish to establish for the dog altogether. It’s useful to write things down and keep them visible for future reference.